About us

Sine Qua Non (SQN) builds capacities in human rights and peace.

Sine Qua Non, a not-for-profit association, was created in 2018 to advocate for human rights and peace. We seek social transformation by building a partnership-based platform and performing know-how sharing.

Human rights are the sine qua non-condition and the basis for a free and just life. SQN is an innovative, project-oriented collaborative platform to promote and secure human rights, peace, and sustainable development. We continue to grow daily as we consolidate the experience acquired since its inception.


We believe in a free, critical, gender-sensitive, and committed citizenship, living in a peaceful and sustainable world where human rights are accessible and secured to all.


We build capacities in human rights through the three pillars of our mission:

  •  We empower civil society organisations and other stakeholders to expand their work globally contributing to multilateral and international organisations’ systems.
  • We raise awareness of human rights violations and seek justice through international litigation and advocacy work.
  • We build a network of experts and share knowledge on conflict transformation, negotiation, and peace-building processes


We are guided by the principles of equality, peace, integrity, accuracy, and transparency.



    • Jordi Serra – President
    • Maria Balasch – Secretary
    • Noemi Kohler – Treasurer

    Projects Coordinator

    • Ariadna Roig

      Advisory Council

      • Andy Carl –  Advisor on Mediation and Conflict Transformation
      • Alfons González – Advisor on European Law
      • Marta Lucas – Advisor on Communication Strategy and Advocacy Campaigns
      • Marta Rovira – Advisor on Conflict Resolution Negotiations, Law and Political Science
      • Clara Serra – Advisor on International and Human Rights Law
      • Marta Vilaret – Advisor on Anti-Repression Strategy
      • Ruben Wagensberg – Advisor on Migration and Refugee Affairs
      • Laura Zapater – Advisor on International Relations

      A word of thanks

      We want to extend our sincere thanks to our members for their support and to our partners for their trust and efforts.

      We are specially grateful to Gonzalo Bonnín, Àngels Espachs and Teresa Vallverdú for their commitment and dedication and their valuable contributions to our projects.